Animal Protection Laws In India You Should Be Aware Of

Animal Protection Laws In India You Should Be Aware Of

Animals are an integral part of this planet. They not only help us to maintain a balance in the ecosystem but also are a source of various essentials of our daily lives. However, we humans have time and again forgotten to acknowledge their contributions to us. Many of them have even become extinct due to the exploitation faced. Therefore, countries around the globe have varied laws and regulations for the protection of animals in the country whether wild or domestic. In this article, we will discuss the animal protection laws in India that you should know about on this World Animal Day.

What Is World Animal Day?

World Animal Day is celebrated on October 4 every year. It promotes the welfare of animals around the world. The mission of this observance is:

“To raise the status of animals in order to improve welfare standards around the globe. Building the celebration of World Animal Day unites the animal welfare movement, mobilising it into a global force to make the world a better place for all animals. It's celebrated in different ways in every country, irrespective of nationality, religion, faith or political ideology. Through increased awareness and education we can create a world where animals are always recognised as sentient beings and full regard is always paid to their welfare.”


Animal Protection Laws In India To Know

The various animal protection laws in India that have been mentioned in some or the other manner in the constitution have been discussed below.

1. Provisions Noted In The Indian Constitution

The constitutional provisions for the welfare of animals that emphasise animal abuse laws in India are noted below.

  • Part IV of the Indian Constitution mentions The Directive Principles of State Policy. Under this policy Article 48  focuses on agriculture and animal husbandry which encourages the state to organise this sector and prevent the wildlife from being exploited. It prohibits acts like the slaughtering of cows and calves for the extraction of milk.
  • Article 48A denotes the protection and improvement of the environment and safeguarding of forests and wildlife. The State shall endeavour to protect and improve the environment and safeguard the forests and wildlife of the country.
  • Part IVA in the constitution is one of the laws for protection of animals in India that talks about the Fundamental Duties every citizen in the country should perform. Under Article 51A it orders the people to preserve the natural environment, which would, in turn, be beneficial for the animals as well
  • The Indian Constitution provides power to the governmental agencies to animal protection laws to maintain a healthy world for these precious creatures.
  • Article 243G in the Eleventh Schedule of the Constitution enables the Gram Panchayats to make animal cruelty laws in India. It is for the prevention of atrocities and exploitation they face focusing on the animal husbandry, dairy, and poultry sectors in villages.
  • Article 243W under the Twelfth Schedule of the Constitution notes provisions that allow municipalities to make animal protection laws in India, especially for cattle pounds, for preventing brutality against them and other animals.

2. Indian Penal Code (IPC), 1860

The sections in the Indian Penal Code that talk about animal protection laws in India have been noted here.

  • Section 428 of the Indian Penal Code mentions that anyone who kills or maims any animal of the value of 10 rupees or more would be entitled to punishment. It can either lead to imprisonment of two years or a fine or in some cases, both.
  • Section 429 of the Indian Penal Code states that anyone who kills or maims any animal of the value of 50 rupees or more would be entitled to punishment. It can either lead to imprisonment of five years or a fine or in some cases, both.

3. Prevention Of Cruelty To Animals Act, 1960

The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960, came into effect with the aim to reduce pain on the part of the animals that comes with brutality, cruelty, and inhumanity. It is one of the animal cruelty laws in India that should be appreciated as it was enacted specifically for the betterment of fauna in the country. It hosts provisions that prohibit and prevent people from undertaking activities that harm animals which include training them for fighting or shooting competitions that could be life-threatening as well. In addition, if somebody owns a pet, it is mandatory for him to provide enough food, shelter, and water to it.

4. The Wildlife Protection Act Of India, 1972

The Wildlife Protection Act of India, 1972, was passed with the aim of protecting animals in the wild regions of the country. This is one of the animal protection laws in India that does not cater to domestic animals. It extends support for the preservation of wildlife species in the nation. It deters one from performing illegal activities such as trading and smuggling of animals both within and outside the domestic peripheries. It also caters to the endangered species on our planet and aims to protect them before their numbers lessen further.

5. Government Initiatives For Animal Protection

Apart from animal abuse laws in India, the Government of India has taken some initiatives that are not full-fledged legislation but do aid in the protection of animals in our country. These efforts have been listed below.

  • Captive Dolphin Shows Banned: The Ministry of Environment & Forest prohibited the capture and use of dolphins due to entertainment purposes in May 2013. It even denied states permission for any Dolphinarium in the country.
  • Animal Tested Cosmetics Imports Ban: India became the first South Asian country to ban the import of animal-tested cosmetics in the country. It was a step that was acknowledged by animal activists.

Acts Of Cruelty On Animals In India

Some acts of brutality and cruelty on both wild and domestic animals in the country which even the laws for protection of animals in India could not prevent have been listed below.

  • Inhuman Killing Of A Pregnant Elephant In Kerala: During the Covid-19  pandemic, a pregnant elephant died in Kerala after eating a pineapple that was stuffed with firecrackers or other explosives. The act was done by villagers to protect their agricultural fields from wild animal attacks but led to something very inhuman.


  • Man Raped A Female Street Dog In Kolkata: A 35-year-old man residing in Kolkata was arrested due to accusations of having raped a female street dog. The man is known to have attracted the dog into his house and tied a rope around its mouth to commit the sin.
  • Man Brutally Raped Cows In Vadodara: A man in Vadodara who worked as a labour help at a cowshed indulged in the act of having unnatural sex with three cows there in January 2018. Thereafter, the next morning the cows’ owner found two of them tied with a rope and one lying dead.
  • 11  Monkeys Were Viciously Killed And Dumped In Rajasthan: In January 2018, 11 monkeys were found dead close to the highway in Rajasthan. Forest officials revealed that they were beaten with a stick and even had acid-like chemicals splashed on them.
  • A Medical Student Threw A Dog From Terrace In Chennai: A student studying at Madha Medical College in Chennai threw a dog off the terrace in July 2016. This act was committed for ‘fun’ and he even uploaded the video of this incident on Youtube.

Spreading Awareness

Such inhuman acts have been committed an endless number of times. This is why everyone should spread awareness about animal welfare so that these precious and lovely creatures can be saved in time. The number of people who commit such sins might not reduce but the community of ones who raise their voices against it can grow. Therefore, on this World Animal Day share this article on animal protection laws in India with your known ones to spread awareness and relevant information.

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Prasoon Soni

A health enthusiast and dietician, Prasoon Soni writes his blogs with utmost precision and all the information that you need to live a healthy life.

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