The Best Skincare Routine For An Absolute Glowing & Healthy Skin

Skincare Routine

The Best Skincare Routine For An Absolute Glowing & Healthy Skin

In our 30s, the initial signs of things going down is the little motivation to take good care of our skin and have a routine for our skincare. A proper routine for our skin is very essential, especially in our 30s as our skin tends to become old by then. So in this article, we will discuss morning and night skincare routine for all to get the best results. 

To get the benefits out of your regular skin care regime, no matter what your skin type is, you should begin with these three easy steps: cleanse, treat, and moisturize as per recommendations from dermatologists.

Skincare Routine: Morning

You should start creating the six step skincare routine for your 30s to get the best results for your skin. But your morning skincare regime and your night skincare regime is not going to be the same. So first let us begin with the morning routine for our skincare. This is also the ideal skincare routine for combination skin.

1. Cleanser

Cleaning your face should be the very first among the skincare routine steps as it clears away impurities and the excessive oi8l that can make your skin dull and clog pores. But you should be gentle. According to Dr. Magovern,

“Too many people cleanse too much or too often or with a cleanser that’s too harsh, which will actually break down your skin’s protective barrier.”

If you have sensitive or dry skin, try to wash only at night and then rinse your face with water in the morning.

2. Toner

A toner is not mandatory, but swiping one on your face can be a great way to refresh your skin, remove any remaining debris and also balance the pH as per experts. If your skin is prone to acne, search for a toner that has ingredients like salicylic acid to fight breakouts. For sensitive or dry skin look for a hydrating toner that is made without parching alcohol and with products like hyaluronic acid and glycerin to soothe. Also if you are looking for a skincare routine for oily skin then this is the right place.

3. Serum

A serum tailored to your skin issues can treat and protect at the same time. Search for an antioxidant like vitamin C.  According to Dr. Magovern,

“Everyone should use vitamin C, no matter what age. “It helps reverse a lot of the skin damage we get from the sun and pollution.”

For people who have a darker skin tone, hyperpigmentation can be a common concern, and using a vitamin C serum in the morning can help in mitigating dark spots as per experts.

4. Eye Cream

Eye creams fall into the treat category as well. If you want, lightly tap on the cream targeted to your eye area issues by using your ring finger. This will help you to avoid applying excessive pressure on your delicate skin and causing damage.

5. Moisturizer

After all the steps that have been mentioned above, next comes heavier formula like moisturizer which keeps our skin hydrated and also helps to strengthen its barriers. Unless you have dry skin, choose a lighter moisturizer for using it in the daytime like a gel or lotion that will soak in your skin quickly and it won’t pull off under your makeup. But if you have dry skin, then you choose a heavy moisturizer that will keep your skin hydrated.

6. Sunscreen

It is the most crucial step in any skincare routine for every skin type and age. According to Dr. Magovern,

“If you don’t wear sunscreen, you might as well not do any of the other steps. The sun is the number one reason people’s skin ages prematurely.”

According to Dr. David,

“People of color can and do get skin cancer. Plus, if you’re treating hyperpigmentation without daily SPF use, it’s like taking two steps forward and one step backward.”

Skincare Routine - Night

You will also need a skincare regime for your nights as well because that is the best time to prep your skin as it stays in complete rest position when you sleep. And your night care cannot be the same as your morning care, so you will need a different night care regime.

1. Cleanser

The first thing that you will have to do is remove your day’s makeup. Begin by applying separate makeup remover if required to take off your cosmetics. According to experts, 

“Cleansers are not necessarily designed to dissolve makeup, especially on eyes, and haven’t done so effectively in our testing.”

Then follow with the same cleanser that you have used in the morning and clean your face.

2. Toner

If you are choosing a toner, apply it the similar way you would in the morning. Because they are liquids, toners should be applied before heavier formulas like moisturizers and serums so they have a chance to get absorbed.

3. Treatment Or Serum

Night is the best time to use products with items that function to slough off dead skin cells or boost cell turnover while you sleep, like alpha hydroxy acids like retinol or glycolic acid. These smooth textures minimize pores and brighten your skin. If you are treating hyperpigmentation, alternate between a retinoid and also the spot-fading active ingredient hydroquinone.

4. Eye Cream

Dab a little bit of your face serum or treatment, or a different eye cream if you use one in the morning as well, around your eyes. As per  Dr. Magovern,

“You don’t have to use a lot, but if you start training your skin to tolerate more active products around the eye, you’ll see more change.”

5. Acne Treatment

This is the ideal skincare routine for acne. If you presently have a blemish, use an acne treatment at night. For chronic breakouts, be serious rather than treating pimples as they pop up. Dr. Magovern advises,

“If you just treat the spot, you’ll get acne right next to it if your skin is clogged. You’re getting breakouts because oil is building up, so be consistent with your regimen to keep pores all over your face clear.”

6. Moisturizer

Moisturizing is very important at night, as it formulates a barrier that seals in natural hydration of the skin and any active product to counteract moisture loss that takes place as you sleep. The non-SPF moisturizer you use for day will work for night as well, or try a night-specific formula for targeted advantages like anti-aging.

The Bottom Line

The skin type differs from person to person and so the skin care products that are required will also differ. But the skincare regime remains the same for all. It is very important for you to have a skincare routine, especially in your 30s. Sio in the above article, we have discussed a morning and night best skincare routine that will keep your skin in better health. 

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Alessia Braun

Alessia Braun is a health, fitness, and beauty influencer who wishes to share her knowledge through her articles in News Magnify.

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