Government Schemes: “Heal In India” & “Heal By India” To Launch Soon

Government Schemes: “Heal In India” & “Heal By India” To Launch Soon

The Union Health Ministry of India has announced that two government schemes with one motive would be launched soon. These are named ‘Heal in India’ and ‘Heal by India’ and are primarily aimed at increasing medical tourism in the country. These initiatives are formulated under the Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission. The portal of these government schemes would host a huge ‘reservoir’ of healthcare professionals to aid international patients who are seeking medical assistance in India.

The objective of pushing medical tourism in India will be fulfilled by the Heal in India scheme that would have its own in-house best tech-savvy portal to help overseas patients. Whereas, Heal by India would focus on healthcare workers and professionals travelling to other countries in order to provide them with some of the best medical facilities.

On the Heal in India portal, international patients can find healthcare professionals and hospitals for medical treatment. A top government official, quoted by News18, mentioned that:

“As Covid-19 seems to be waning, the focus is to push medical tourism in India. We have the best hospitals, highly skilled doctors, and affordable treatment. Then what is holding us back from being the world’s best medical tourism destination? It’s a one-stop shop for all medical tourists planning to come to India. We will start it soon and, if approved, it could be launched by PM Narendra Modi on August 15. ”

Under the Heal by India initiative, Indian healthcare workers and professionals would be offered the opportunity of migrating to foreign countries and building a good professional portfolio. In addition, the countries with a lack of medical support will be assisted by the country. The Union Health Ministry has currently identified about 42 healthcare service firms that are eligible to apply for this opportunity of serving patients abroad.

These two interlinked government schemes are set to revolutionise India’s health sector. It would be intriguing to watch these medical schemes becoming a reality.

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Prasoon Soni

A health enthusiast and dietician, Prasoon Soni writes his blogs with utmost precision and all the information that you need to live a healthy life.

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