10+ Ways To Practice Self Love This Valentine’s Day

10+ Ways To Practice Self Love This Valentine’s Day

Do you think that Valentine’s Day is only for couples? Of course not! Valentine’s Day is the day of love; you can celebrate it anyway. This could even mean “self love”. If you agree with me, you would definitely want to know how you can practice self love. To make you understand things a bit clearer, we have brought you this article. Keep on reading to know how you can celebrate this Valentine’s Day with yourself.

How To Practice Self Love In Elegant Ways?

Self love can be beneficial in a number of ways, both physically and mentally. It teaches you to 

  • Put yourself first
  • Deal with negativity in a better way
  • Make your relationships better
  • Boosts self-esteem
  • Have a productive day
  • Have a good appetite and metabolism

So, how can you start to practice self love? Well, here are the things you need to cultivate.

1. Do Not Compare Yourself To Others


It is a fact that people around us are competitive. There are a lot of different situations where you get compared to others, be it looks, work, ability and so on. However, what we often forget is that it is a very dangerous practice and can harm self-esteem. If you have been comparing yourself to others, Stop It Right There! Everyone is different and unique in their own way as well as everyone has flaws. Feel free and focus on yourself.

2. Don't Be Concerned With What People Think


We, human beings live in a society that we are bound to accept. Be it good or bad, we hardly have anything to do about that. Saying that society will definitely have expectations from you and you cannot make each and everyone happy. The more you try to do this, the more you waste time and energy. Therefore, it is best to neglect what people think about you.

3. Make Mistakes To Learn From Them


As already stated, nobody is perfect. Everyone has flaws and being human we all make mistakes. Thus, the proverb exists ‘To err is human’. There is nothing wrong with making mistakes. This is because the more you make mistakes, the more you learn from them. But you must not repeat your mistakes. Embrace them and keep growing.

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4. Be Comfortable In Your Body

“Body shaming” is a thing these days. People you meet now hardly start a conversation with a nice greeting. Rather they choose to talk about how you look, if you have gained or lost weight, your age and preferences. You do not need to hear about these and make your self-esteem down. Rather, be contented with what you look like and how you look. You need to be comfortable with your body. Keep wearing things that make you happy, comfortable and confident.

5. Let Go Of Toxicity


Do you know that our thought process and how confident we are can be evaluated by the type of people around us? Well, toxic people tend to push in negativity towards you that can destroy your peace of mind. It is absolutely not wrong to remove toxic people around you and keep your aura clean. So, if you have such people around you, remove them now!

6. Understand Your Fears


If you deal with anxiety or fear of specific things, you should not reject them. Rather, you must take a step further to understand them. Evaluate your fears, and unmask issues that give you anxiety. Gain clarity.

7. Trust Yourself


We often tend to doubt ourselves or our potential. Your feelings might be valid to some extent but not completely. You indeed need to trust yourself and keep on doing things that you feel are a challenge. Take up challenges to explore your potential. Be your best advocate.

8. Value Opportunities Or Create Them


There will never be a perfect time to take your next significant life step. Even though the circumstances may not be ideal, you shouldn’t let that stop you from achieving your objectives and aspirations. Instead, take advantage of the time because it might not come again.

9. Feel Your Emotions


Permit yourself to feel things completely. You must never put limitations on your feelings, be it joy, anger, frustration, sadness or anything. You need to understand each and every emotion that will help you understand yourself better.

10. Converse And Contribute


Make it a habit to voice your opinions. The more you exercise your boldness, the stronger it becomes. Don’t wait for approval before settling in at the table. Join the discussion. Bring your ideas to the table. Take initiative and remember that your voice matters just as much as anyone else’s.

These were the top 10 ways to Practice Self Love. However, there are other things that you can or should incorporate such as:

  • Practice gratitude
  • Start a journal
  • Compliment and congratulate yourself on your success
  • Practice mindfulness
  • Engage in workout or yoga
  • Restrict time on social media
  • Go out alone and eat out
  • Have a movie time with yourself

We thank you for sticking with us till the end. We hope you have enjoyed the article on ways to Practice Self Love. Did you find a suitable picnic spot from this list? Let us know in the comments section below. 

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Alessia Braun

Alessia Braun is a health, fitness, and beauty influencer who wishes to share her knowledge through her articles in News Magnify.

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