Best Ingredients For Glowing Skin You Should Start Using Now

Best Ingredients For Glowing Skin You Should Start Using Now

If you have ever shopped for your skincare, you will know that there is a range of vitamins that pledges to offer you glowing skin complexion in no time. From vitamin A to vitamin C that does not even include the term vitamin, how will you evaluate which is the ideal option for you? So in this article, we will discuss the ingredients for glow skin based on your skin type. So let us begin. 

Top Ingredients For Glow Skin Based On Skin Type

Evaluating which vitamin is beneficial for your type of skin can make a world of difference when handling common skin issues like signs of aging, dark spots, uneven tone, dullness, and many more. Other than that there are many natural ingredients for glowing skin that you can use as well. 

That is why here is a list of vitamin infused skin care and also its supplements to evaluate which type of vitamin is ideal for you. These vitamins can transform your skin when they are applied topically or through supplements. Let us know some of the glowing skin secrets. But if you are wondering how to make your skin glow overnight, then this is not the right place. These remedies will take time to show good results.  

Vitamin C

There is no surprise that this vitamin tops the list when it is about brightening your skin. It is among those that can be used by all irrespective of your skin type. According to dermatologists, 

"Vitamin C defends the skin from free radicals, which contributes to signs of aging like fine lines, wrinkles, and dark spots."

Not to state, vitamin C allows our bodies to produce more collagen, which becomes handy as we mature in age. Engelman suggests applying this vitamin for brightening topically so it can be rapt quickly. Try to apply it in the morning under your sunscreen for additional protection from free radicals. 


While we love to use these ingredients for glow skin topically, it is important for internal skin health too: Your body can not make its own vitamin C or even store it. According to cosmetic chemist Ron Robinson, 

"Vitamin C in humans must be ingested for survival. Most of the animal kingdom can produce its own vitamin C; however, humans cannot produce it and, therefore, need to consume it.”

"Vitamin C is required for support of tissues in all parts of the body including the skin."

According to a study released in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, a higher intake of vitamin C is related to less wrinkled skin. It has also been shown to fight oxidative stress in cells thanks to vitamin C’s intrinsic antioxidant elements, as this not only supports the health of skin cells but can aid skin from UV exposure. This is among the best glowing skin products. 

Vitamin E

According to Engelman, 

"Vitamin E is great for protecting the skin against UV rays."

Among the top ingredients for skin whitening, Vitamin E is a great option. Since it is an antioxidant, it allows your skin to neutralize free radicals and slow all the signs of aging. It is also being noted that it is a go-to for curing irritated skin because of its soothing and healing features. 


When you intake this, vitamin E also plays a crucial role in collagen structure and production. For beginners, it helps and stabilizes vitamin C. Along with that, vitamin E intake safeguards against collagen cross-linking, which is a process that plays an important role in skin aging. When collagen cross-links, it converts to a hard and stiff stuff, and that results in signs of aging. Thanks to its antioxidant capabilities, this important fat-soluble vitamin also helps to support the skin barrier, which keeps skin supple and decreases the loss of water. 


According to experts, this antioxidant is even more strong compared to vitamin C in its potential to neutralize free radicals. According to experts, 

"It fights free radicals and even helps restore DNA from UV rays and other environmental aggressors.”

By integrating this vitamin into your skin care regime, you can expect a development in the appearance and elasticity of the skin, plus better levels of hydration.


When consumed orally in proper amounts, research portrays that this unique carotenoid phytonutrient is great for the skin. In one scenario, users saw developments in skin elasticity, while those who avoided supplements witnessed worsening wrinkles. In another examination, astaxanthin supplementation mixed with collagen considerably improved smoothness, skin elasticity, and hydration in just 12 weeks.

Another research found astaxanthin enhanced skin wrinkles, skin texture, and age spot size. And in the latest double-blind clinical, matter reported major improvement in moisture levels, complete improved elasticity, and appearance of tone. Another double-blind clinical trial saw that it can even help water-retention capacity of the skin and barrier function.

Vitamin A

Retinoids are not only among the most regular forms of vitamin A for your skin, but experts even call them among the most crucial topical ingredients for glow skin. They look to be the do-it-all solution to a slew of common skin issues. According to experts, 

"Retinoids are active forms of vitamin A, and they work to stimulate cell turnover, which promotes the production of newer and smoother skin, stimulate the production of collagen to reduce fine lines and wrinkles, target and reduce dark spots, and unclog pores and blemishes."

Another expert says that the common use of retinol over time will end up in better skin tone, elasticity, and texture since vitamin A thickens and strengthens the skin barrier. If you are new to vitamin A, begin slowly. It can have irritating effects like peeling, redness, and flaking. It is best to apply in small quantities every two to three days until your skin creates a tolerance to the active product.


A lesser learned skin supplement is oral vitamin A. This vitamin is fat-soluble and is an important nutrient for the proper working of various systems all over the body. It is an important nutrient for the skin as it works as an antioxidant and supports the process by which the skin regenerates naturally.

The Bottom Line

Remember one thing, all skins are not the same. Some ingredient that works on your friend’s skin will not necessarily suit your skin and vice versa. So it is important for you to understand your skin type to start using any skincare product. Who does not want glowing skin? But for that, you will need to know about the right products that will work on your skin. So in the above article, we have spoken about several ingredients for glow skin that will offer you the best results if you include this in your skincare routine. 

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Alessia Braun

Alessia Braun is a health, fitness, and beauty influencer who wishes to share her knowledge through her articles in News Magnify.

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