Now You Can Easily Travel With Asthma With These Tips

Now You Can Easily Travel With Asthma With These Tips

Dreaming of a summer vacation? Wondering how you can keep allergies and asthma under control? This article is at your escape. Now you can easily travel with Asthma if you have these tips handy. We think nothing should stop because you are suffering from something. In fact, you should change your traveling into a cure remedy. 

To travel with asthma may imply extra planning in advance. This World Asthma Day will talk about some of the ways by which you can easily travel with Asthma and enjoy your trip. So if you are wondering is it safe to fly with asthma, this article will help you to find your answer.

Can You Travel With Asthma?

Traveling and going on holiday along with severe asthma is possible, it may just imply more forward planning. It is a good idea to talk to your healthcare specialist even before you plan to travel. If you have not seen your asthma or GP nurse lately, get a review and look that your personal asthma action plan is up to date.

You can also ask your GP about any travel vaccines that you may require. If you are taking any steroids, or have taken them lately, let them know about that, as this could impact you when you can get your travel vaccinations.

Your doctor or asthma nurse will be able to offer a letter about your severe asthma and also your medicines. You will require this, or carry even a copy of your prescription, to take your medicines with you if you are going on a plane.

Travel With Asthma: Traveling With Reduced Mobility

If you are suffering from severe asthma and find it difficult to climb even stairs, there are certain regulations in places to make things more convenient for you when you are traveling on a mode of public transport such as taking a train or flying.

If You Are Flying

If you take a plane, you are required to tell the airlines of your mobility requirements at least 48 hours prior to your flight. Let the airport authority know at the same time you book tickets. However, airports have helped to figure out locations where you can seek assistance, even if you could not pre arrange it. Flying with asthma is not difficult if you have things in place.

If you are traveling by train

Train operators also provide help to passengers with decreased mobility. You can book assistance even for your train travel up to two hours prior to your journey begins. You can find out more on the official website of the Railways.

If you’re traveling by coach

Coach services, like National Express, offer passenger lifts for making boarding more convenient for wheelchair users. It is suggested that you contact the responsible authority 36 hours before your journey to narrate to them any assistance you may require.

Things To Carry When You Travel With Asthma

Even though you may get help while you travel with asthma, it is always recommended to carry some of the essential commodities with you while you travel. Here are the things that you should never forget to keep with you while you are traveling.

1. Your Inhaler

There are many who ask can we carry asthma inhaler on plane? This point is for them. If you are flying, you are allowed to carry important medicines like inhalers in your hand luggage, but you will require a letter from your doctor or even a copy of your prescription. You will be required to put your inhalers and medicines into the clear sealable plastic bags that are offered when you go through airport security, in case the security staff requires you to see them.

2. Your peak flow meter

If you normally utilize a peak flow meter, take it on your holiday so you can track your asthma symptoms while you are away. This is also among the important things to keep while you travel with asthma.

3. Your nebulizer

Some people with severe asthma are offered a nebulizer by their asthma specialist to use at home. If you are traveling abroad, remember that other nations may have varied electric voltages and sockets, so you will either require an adaptor or a battery-powered portable nebulizer.

Most airlines enable battery-operated medical equipment like nebulizers to be used onboard but do not permit ones that require a mains supply. Check the policy of the airline on carrying and using nebulizers on board the plane. If you are suffering from severe asthma or have lately been prescribed oral steroids, some airlines seek that you carry a medical certificate confirming about your fitness to fly.


If you are suffering from severe Asthma, you should be ready for emergencies such as asthma attacks. Before you go on a holiday or travel with asthma make sure that you always have your inhaler with you, carry a list of emergency numbers that you might require if you need them. Also, write an asthma action plan that lists all the details of the treatments you require in an emergency. This will be helpful to offer this to people you are traveling with and also the healthcare professionals if required. This same applies to those who are traveling with food allergies. The above article also answered questions like what happens if you have an asthma attack on a plane. If you have your asthma travel kit in place you can travel peacefully.

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Donna Hussain

Everything that makes you lucrative about food and travel is the magic of Donna Hussain who has continued to influence us by her knowledgeable and quirky articles on travel, tour, and food.

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